



Please help us to help you

Mile Oak Medical Centre is busier than ever. The Mile Oak team are striving to provide the best clinical care we can.

We have always been keen to innovate and have welcomed the use of the online platform, econsult, for you, our patients to consult with us. Your feedback has been overwhelming positive, the majority of you have stated that you really appreciate using eConsult. We therefore plan to continue providing this means of access.

eConsult has proved so popular that we are receiving very large numbers daily. Therefore you may find this service to be unavailable during busy periods but services will resume once there is further capacity to do so.

eConsults are available to complete during practice opening hours and are not for urgent medical problems. You may not be contacted for 2 working days (or 5 working days if an admin query). 

To ensure we can continue providing this service, prior to filling out an eConsult, please consider:

  1. Do I really need to speak with a health care professional about this matter, or could I use NHS 111 online instead?
  2. Could my friendly pharmacist help me with this problem?
  3. Could a free NHS physiotherapist help me with this problem? If so, please self-refer on the Sussex MSK Partnership website.
  4. Is this a problem that the free NHS Wellbeing counselling service can help me with? If so, please self-refer on the Brighton & Hove Wellbeing website.
  5. If you do submit an eConsult, please find a place on the form to detail your availability; provide at a morning or afternoon over next 7-10 days when we can contact you and see you face to face that session if required. If we are fully booked that time, we’ll text you asking for alternative availability.
  6. We would also like to request that patients limit their econsult requests to no more than ONE clinical problem per week. We need some of our appointments to be free for unwell elderly patients who call on the day and those who cannot use an online platform. Please note, administrative eConsults about medical certificates or paperwork are excluded from the maximum one eConsult a week.

What is eConsult?

eConsult enables NHS based GP practices to offer online consultations to their patients. This allows patients to submit their symptoms or requests to their own GP electronically, and offers around the clock NHS self-help information, signposting to services, and a symptom checker.

eConsult is the most widely used digital triage tool in NHS primary care, built by NHS GPs for NHS patients, designed to enhance patient access, improve practice efficiencies and signpost patients to the right place at the right time for their care. Live in over 3013 NHS practices, eConsult gives millions of patients access to their own GP online.


what is econsult image


How does eConsult work?

eConsult is easy for patients and practices

eConsult lets you consult with your NHS GP online by completing a quick form that is sent and reviewed by the practice. You can also be directed to patient self-help, pharmacy advice and local self-referral services.



You'll wonder how you did without it

  • Patients may not need a trip to the surgery and their query may be resolved with a phone call
  • There is no need to change surgery to get digital first access. Patients complete an online GP consultation with their own practice when they need to
  • Medical advice is available 24/7 even when the practice is closed – Patients can check their health symptoms  online and receive on the spot medical advice and treatment guidance thanks to NHS content
  • Patients will get a response from their own NHS GP practice by the end of the next working day or sooner
  • Access wherever and whenever patients want from any device. Unlike a telephone call patients can complete an eConsult at a pace that suits them, without taking up practice time
  • Patients can request sick notes and test results without the need for an appointment saving patient and practice time

eConsult Video